Let’s GO!! K.R.T Girls

This is a story about the girls working at K.R.T and the passenger they met.

Passengers comes and goes around Kauhsiung Metro everyday, the K.R.T. girl are always here to deliver the best service, and their smiles.
We hope that you’ll be smiling as always —
Metro is not only a mean for transportation, it also carries people’s laughter and tears.


The K.R.T Girls are virtual characters designed specifically for the Kaohsiung Metro, the project was proposed to the KRTC during November 2014 to give the company an united image.

After "K.R.T Girls", the team then launched "Let’s GO!! K.R.T Girls" and created virtual characters resembling elements of the stations and staff of K.R.T.



Birthday 16th of October
Sign The justice Libra
Blood type B
Height 163 cm
Weight 45.625 kg
Like Culture of people, everything romantic
Hate Bad hygiene, people eating at metro station

K.R.T station officer. Her hair pin is a smaller version of the dome of light. Does not look very approachable but is actually proactive for thing of people she finds interests in. Privately a sociable and easy-going girl, cares about her weight VERY MUCH.

Character Design 初夏


Birthday 14th of November
Sign The cunning Scorpio
Blood type A
Height 159.45 cm
Weight 42 kg
Like Traving and discovering new things
Hate Being blocked by people taller than her

K.R.T train officer. Her hair pin resembles the red & orange line of Kaohsiung Metro. She’s half-Taiwanese, half German.
Calm and steady, master of machine operation. Privately insecure with her height. Has a special affection for "凝聚的綠寶石" at Kaohsiung International Airport.

Character Design 緋華
CV 薛南


Birthday 6th of February
Sign Aquarius
Blood type O
Height 145 cm
Weight 39 kg
Like People at K.R.T and the passegers’ smile
Hate People who cares so little about safety

K.R.T maintenance engineer. Her tool bag resembles the "roof" of R9 Central Park station A.K.A "飛揚"
Ann is a petite and agile girl. She travels between machinaries to fulfill her maintenance duty. Advocator for efficiency and responsibility.

Character Design 小啾
CV 白碰


Birthday 23rd of May
Sign Gemini
Blood type AB
Height 161 cm
Weight 43 kg
Like Music and those willing to listen to her
Hate Mild social anxiety disorder

K.R.T customer service officer. Her headphone resembles the K.R.T logo.
She became CS officer hoping that more people can hear her voice, no one has been able to resist Nana’s gentle, soothing voice, she’s the ACE of the CS department.

Character Design Riv
CV Uniparity


Birthday 1st of April
Sign The brave Aries
Blood type AB
Height 165 cm
Weight 48 kg
Like Friendly people, everything cute
Hate Prejudiced people who only look at the surface of things

K.R.T station officer. Her design resembles "祈禱" of the Formosa Boulevard station.
A serious girl who has difficulty making friends. She joined K.R.T after seeing Sora’s poster and she wants to become a beloved station officer just like her.

Character Design 初夏


Birthday 23rd of July
Sign The gentle Cancer * Reliable Leo
Blood type O
Height 145 cm
Weight 38 kg
Like Genuine people
Hate Pretentious people

K.R.T train driver. Her design resembles "飛揚" of the R9 Central Park station.
Wind has sharp senses and is good at taking care of people. She’s sophisticated and good at reading people’s feeling. Positive and unflinching to challenges.

Character Design Riv


Birthday 11th of November
Sign The mysterious Scopir
Blood type B
Height 159 cm
Weight 43 kg
Like Tarot and astrology
Hate Overly rational people

K.R.T customer service officer. Her design resembles R6 Kaisyuan staion.
A natural Chunibyo, she thinks she’s an angel summoned to the Earth. Her parents want her to become a CS officier so that she could stop talking "immaturely" as she talks to customers.

Character Design 迷子燒


Birthday 15th of February
Sign The wise Aquarius
Blood type A
Height 150 cm
Weight 42 kg
Like Science journal, literature, sunset
Hate Overly immature people

K.R.T development center engineer. Her design resembles O1 Sizihwan station.
Under her doll-like appearance is a genius with over 140 IQ. She’s good at manipulating things to go as her plan, except for that colleague who call herself an angel…

Character Design 孟達


  • Visual Novel

    Let’s GO!! K.R.T Girls – Initiating Station

    2016 / Narrator, SimonCreative


  • 前進吧!! 高捷少女 日常

    2015 / Light novel / Sharp Point Publ.

  • 前進吧!! 高捷少女 音躍

    2016 / Light novel / Sharp Point Publ.

  • 前進吧!! 高捷少女 禮贈

    2017 / Light novel / Sharp Point Publ.

  • 前進吧!! 高捷少女 湛藍時光

    2018 / Light novel / Sharp Point Publ.

  • 前進吧!! 高捷少女 初夢

    2019 / Light novel / Sharp Point Publ.

  • 前進吧!! 高捷少女 Comics版

    2020 / Comics / Tong Li Publ.

  • 前進吧!! 高捷少女 炫爛

    2020 / Light novel / Sharp Point Publ.

  • 前進吧!! 高捷少女 姬絆 一期生

    2021 / Light novel / Sharp Point Publ.

  • 前進吧!! 高捷少女 姬絆 二期生

    2021 / Light novel / Sharp Point Publ.

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